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Descriptive Text

Posted by Zahrowi Ahmad pada 16 Maret 2009

A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. Take an example, the following is one of the text belongs to the descriptive text.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta.

The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.

It was built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty, or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918. The main building was completed in around 1953. Much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least 75% of the original stones are available, and therefore only the foundation walls of most of the smaller shrines are now visible and with no plans for their reconstruction.

The temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006. Early photos suggest that although the complex appears to be structurally intact, damage is significant. Large pieces of debris, including carvings, were scattered over the ground. The temple has been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed. The head of Yogyakarta Archaeological Conservation Agency stated that: “it will take months to identify the precise damage”. However, some weeks later in 2006 the site re-opened for visitors. The immediate surroundings of the Hindu temples remain off-limits for safety reasons.

We get the purpose from the text above that description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to: ·

  • Describe a special place and explain why it is special.
  • Describe the most important person in your live.
  • Describe the animal’s habit in your report.

Descriptive writing or text is usually also used to help writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc. To complete our intention to, here are the characteristics based on descriptive writing or text, below;

As a feature, description is a style of writing which can be useful for other variety of purposes as:

  • To engage a reader’s attention
  • To create characters
  • To set a mood or create an atmosphere
  • To being writing to life

While in language function, descriptive writing;

  • Aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like
  • Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
  • Is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description.
  • Sensory description-what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted.Precise use of adjectives, similes, metaphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g. their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh.
  • Strong  development of the experience that “put the reader there” focuses on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.

Beyond the characteristics stated on, descriptive writing also consists of generic structure in range as:

  1. General statement
  2. Explanation
  3. Closing

The description text has dominant language features as follows:

  1. Using Simple Present Tense
  2. Using action verbs
  3. Using passive voice
  4. Using noun phrase
  5. Using adverbial phrase
  6. Using technical terms
  7. Using general and abstract noun
  8. Using conjunction of time and cause-effect.

106 Tanggapan to “Descriptive Text”


    it’s a new breakthrough for comprehending

  2. fat said

    tolong berikan contoh descriptive people, place, and thing!

  3. does ichnatun d.s. said

    What’s the difference between descriptive and report texts?

    • gede sukra said

      report is more general classification description than descriptive.Examples of report are describing human,kinds of animal,plants,etc.and for descriptive, telling about your teacher, someone,your pet,your favorite plant.

      • diah said

        As I know, report is used to tell the past event. Report is about your other people experience in the past. In report, there is at least one value (moral value) that the reader can learn from the writer.
        Report text is different from descriptive. Descriptive text is used to describe something (people, thing, animal, subject of lesson), but not ended with the value. In descriptive, the writer just describe not telling the moral value.

        • Tika said

          i disagree with miss Diah’s opinion about report text. Based on text types in English written by Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, to tell someone’s experience in the past is not called as report text, but it’s called as RECOUNT text. Mark and Kathy Anderson (2002:17) says that a Report text is a piece of text that presents information about a subject. its purpose is to classify and/or describe using facts about the subject’s parts, behavior and qualities.

    • thony said

      kalau descriptive tuh masih bersifat khusus,, sedangkan kalo report tuh bersifat umum

  4. ViThA said

    Boleh gak aku minta contoh cerita descriptive text yang tentang penyakit/tempat/orang/benda?

  5. saya mau contoh dari descriptive texts dan saya mau contoh dari :1.recount texts
    2.descriptive texts
    3.narrative texts
    4.procedure texts texts

  6. Iqbal said

    Saya Mau Minta Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang School (Sekolah) Donk

  7. hasan Suharto said

    Ini barangkali dibutuhkan, saya copykan contoh text descriptiv buatan siswa kelas 8. text ini asli jadi kita perlu memberikan koreksi sendi
    My School
    By Lisa Eka DA 8F

    I go to school in SMPN 10 Magelang. My school have seventeen classrooms, computer room, laboratory, etc. The school also provide a parking area. There is a nice garden at the front of the mosque.
    The teachers in SMP 10 are very kind. They are teach with calm. There is a toilet, canteen and library. My school also provides various books in library, a basket ball and football field. I like to go to SMPN 10 because the air is fresh.

    My house
    By Bagas Dwi P 8F

    My house is clean. The walls are yellow. My mother always cleans up. The floors are white. There are five people in my house: My father, my mother, my little brother, my older brother and me. In front of my house there are some plants and flowers : sun flower, jasmine, roses and orchid. My house also be found television set, VCD player, etc.
    My house is very big. My house there is in Malanggaten. My house is my palace. It is comfortable and healthy. I very happy to live in my house.

  8. tam tam said

    makasih bgt dh bntu . . .
    mkasih bgt

  9. suwito said

    kami perlu contoh-contoh jenis-jenis teks untuk siswa kelas 8

  10. richa said

    saya minta text descriptive dan brikan penjelasannya

  11. effi sabattini said

    thanks for u’r article about deskriptive text,so that i can to finish my matterial in collage

  12. husni said

    aku mint deskriptive tentang salah satu hewan terserah
    kuda or pa????

  13. feri said

    tolong aq berikan descriptive text yang menggambarkan seseorang yang sedang membersihkan ruangan atau halaman rumah ea…
    Sekarang ea OK…………………….

  14. Erin said

    aku mta descrip yg ada analisanya donk. . .

  15. vivi said

    bsa gag qqo mnta cntoh descriptive text ttg kimbum??
    skrang ea..
    tgas neh..

  16. putri said

    aku boleh minta contoh lesson plan yang pake descriptive text y,,,balas gpl y

  17. FARA said

    Q minta deskripsi tentang artis dunnk

  18. ita said

    saya mau contoh text description tentang seorang idola

  19. Warunyoo said

    now i’m studying about all of genre(text types) in my IS. but i don’t have genre information enough. So i would like to know : generic structure, language feature,example of its and any information better. Please help me for my IS.

  20. AIDA said

    contoh descriptive text nya yang banyak dumzzzz. jangan cuma satu.

  21. dewi said

    gud gud gud. thx bngt atas bntuan na

  22. kaka said

    Kirimi descriptive prambanan temple dung,krn penting banget nih sebelumnya terimakasih.

  23. stiart said

    because was tesma yousen together………………………………

  24. romi said

    bisa ng” tolong kirimin deskriptiv tentang seseorang dlm bahasa inggris…………..ats perhatiannya makasih

  25. Berry said

    Boleh jga ntu descriptive_thx yua!
    Klu da yg aent w siap bcana age

  26. tlg criin contoh text descriptiv yg laen…………….???????????????

  27. yulfi said

    tolong dund , descriptive ttang ungu band ?
    ak btuhh skali.
    in tgas dri guru.
    tolong y!

  28. Bboy gold (daffa) said

    makasih atas recount teksnya tgs terselesaikan

  29. secret -__- Zzz said

    thank’s for help ^^

  30. cahaya said

    makasih ia tas conoh textna
    setidakna itu membantu tugas temanku
    yang amat sangat membutuhkan materi tersebut tuk kuliahna
    moga2 ilmu yang bpk beri diberkahi oleh allah swt

  31. Aku peneg Descriptive Text tntng Pendidikan donk… please… 🙂

  32. Aku pengen Descriptive Text tntng Pendidikan donk… please 😀 🙂 😉 :p

  33. basir said

    jembut kontol bacod kabeh

  34. arHizkhha said

    pNgerttiaNnn dari recOunnt , descritiVe , aNnd NaratiVe ttU aPpha cieHh ?’ ,

  35. wahyuning pratiwi said

    sumber buku tentang descriptive text itu apa saja yaaa????

    saya butuh referensi untuk skripsi…

    terima kasih sebelumnya

  36. Nada said

    Thanks ya.. membantu bangeet!! 🙂 🙂
    sekali lagi makasih banyak !!

  37. hesa said


  38. Azizah said

    terma kasih banyak masukan buat kami di sekolah
    smpn 2 kuningan.
    saya juga punya dua teks descriptive :
    1. MY FRIEND
    this is my friend, her name is fahdila. she is a good friend. she has beautiful eyes and the shape of the face is like elipse. the skin is smooth and the colour is white. fahdila is a girl who is taller than me. the height can reach 165cm. the body is ideal because the height.
    Weight the body about can reach 40kg.Fahdila is like my cousi because the hair is long and stright. Fadila`s hobby is listening music and looking on the sky. The caracteristic is very kind and honest. I and Fahdila are best friend ever, so the prupose I introduce Fahdila for you all know the caracteristic of Fahdila.
    by : azizah

    Now I`d like to introduce my friend. her name is anisa hidayati.
    Anisa hidayati has slim body. Her hight is 158cm. Her face is oval. She has pointed nose. She has straight and long hair. The colour of her hair is brown. Her skin is white. If she hits a sun light her face will be red skin. She looks sweet if she smile because she has dimple. Her hobbies are reading comic mangaka, badminton, playing with friens, etc. Her school at SMPN 2 Kuningan . She sits in nine class. She is looser if she has much money, she buys a lot of snacks at school. Her habit is sneaky to friend. She is born at Kuningan, May, 25th 1996. Now, she is 14 years old. She likes Korean artist.

  39. No name said

    purpose nya ad gk..?

  40. lidha said

    mas buatien aku donk ,, crta descriptives harimau sumtra dalam B.Inggris ,, aku mohon mas cz dalam wktu 2 mnggu aku hrus slsai bkin’nya mas ,, jdi aku perku bantuan mas ,, crta’nya 3-4 prgrp ya mas ,, aku mhon d’kbuliendtt permntaan aku ..

  41. aq GJ said

    bisa gax cariin descriptive text tentang tourist resort,,,,, plizzzz

  42. Tias said

    sangat membantu sekali

  43. puput said

    banyak banget yang comment
    aku cukup bilang “great” aja deh
    complete banget


  44. Copzz bangetzzz webnya….

  45. Copzzz Bangetzzz WEBnya…..

  46. eva said

    tolong berikan aq contoh mengenai descriptive text tentang prambanan skalian penjelasan n pertanyaannya dunk,please….skarang ya

  47. Nhiie Nhiieesszzz Lih said

    It’s good….. I like it…

  48. CARRISSA said


  49. CARRISSA said


  50. anggrita said

    wah !!!!!!!!makasaih banget ya akhirnya aku bisa ngrjain tugas ku…………

  51. Cakra said

    Mas/Mba/Bapak/Ibu.Ini ko ga ada penjelasannya sih?…

    Saya minta “Tolong di kasih penjelasannya yah secepatnya”

  52. Fajar said

    Tolong saya di berikan contoh text descriptive 300 kata,hhe

  53. pendi pradana said

    Terikasih untuk Bantuan text Descriptivenya……

    Semoga dpat bermanfaat!!!!!!

  54. pendi pradana said


  55. 5213 said

    i have menemies

  56. aoewnk said

    kuranggg tuu conntohnya…
    beri yang bynkkk eaaa

  57. edo said

    dialogg descriptive with present

  58. denstar said


  59. rahma sugrianti said

    thax bgt ya … udh ngebantuin!! terima kasih bagt.. low bsa buat lebh bnyk pengertian dan contoh2 descriptive ya!! 🙂

  60. nia novita sari said

    emmm nia ntaa tolong bikinkan cerita yang didalam nya ada terbuat kalimat discriptive >>> ditunggu

  61. Thanks for the writer by giving explanation on it.

  62. […] Inggris. Bertanda: Descriptive Text. Anda bisa mengikuti setiap tanggapan atas artikel ini melalui RSS 2.0 pengumpan. Anda bisa tinggalkan tanggapan, atau lacak tautan dari situsmu […]

  63. keren, share link ya

  64. tolong berikan contoh report text tentang rumah…

  65. tolong berikan contoh report text ttg rumah….

  66. Uchiha Nodoka said

    saya… mnta tentang my lovely pet dong B-)

  67. makasih atas bantuannya
    tugasku terselesaikan jga
    makasih ya

  68. @siti_fatimah5 said

    bagussssssssss banget yahh. aku ambil yahhh

  69. Franky Yohannes said

    tolong dong text nya yg berhubungan tetang hewan dong…….

  70. helin said

    sip banget wab nya ………..Q salut .& yang comment tentang Genre to yang pusing. dia to dak punya buku ,juga sepesial yg punya web ini lebih enak di kasih PART OF SPEECH sama GRAMMER to dah cukup dari dua to klu paham buat apa aja mudah yang pusing to orang2 goblok.cuman bisane cari bantuan mbah GOOGLE ja.anak TK aja bisa.tinggal klik temu semua.dan saya minta ma’af klu kata saya terlalu kasar.cmn pesen saya jagan sampai kecanduan di dunia maya.dunia maya hanya sebagai INCREASE our SKILL and thing

  71. rossa said

    tolong berikan contoh teks deskripsi tentang sekolah

  72. meli ilham fauzie said

    bisa gak tolong buatin aku deskripsi tex tentang hewan peliharaan tp dgn terjemahan nya , flis nie tugas buat 2 hari lagi cepet yaaaaaaaaaa.

  73. putri said


  74. ELLA ANJELINA said

    lau bsa critana lesih panjang dan spesifik lagi. OKE!

  75. ela said

    descriptive text a person donkk

  76. ali said

    tolong berika contoh descripsi tentang rumah, di ssertai gambarnya ya… maksii

  77. Reblogged this on GoAhead.

  78. brengsex00 said


  79. aminzeind said

    Kadang kita lupa, bahwa untuk melihat diri kita, jalan terbaik adalah melalui mata orang lain. ok thanks freand

  80. aminzeind said

    Orang Bijak.adalah Orang yang tak lepas dari problem dan ia akan berusaha
    untuk mencari solusinya

  81. Ningsih Aryanti said

    tolong dong descriptive text’nya tentang animal 🙂 thanks before 🙂

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